Electromagnetic pulse propagation in an arbitrary dispersive medium is inve
stigated. A quasimonochromatic pulse is assumed, and for this case, separat
e analytical investigations for two cases of dispersion, called linear and
quadratic dispersion, ara carried out. Exact and convenient calculation for
mulas for envelopes of rectangular and trapezoidal (triangular) initial pul
ses in the case of linear dispersion are obtained The same is obtained for
a rectangular initial pulse in the case of quadratic dispersion. On the bas
is of this observation, the appropriate calculation formulas for an arbitra
ry initial pulse given by step-size amplitudes are created. The pulse disto
rtion in the general case when it is impossible to separate linear and quad
ratic dispersion is investigated. The obtained formulas are convenient for
practical calculations. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.