We report 4 cases of central neurocytoma removed by a transfrontal approach
with no recurrence after a mean follow up of 3 years. This uncommon lesion
of the supratentorial ventricles (150 cases reported) occurs in young adul
ts, and often induces intracranial hypertension secondary to an obstructive
hydrocephalus. The CT scan MRI and histopathological features are related
This neuronal origin tumor is difficult to distinguish front other intraven
tricular processes as oligodendroglioma or ependymoma. However, the immunop
ositivity for the neuronal markers as synaptophysin, calcineurin and microt
ubul associated protein 2, and the negativity for the glial fibrillary acid
ic protein, allow the diagnosis of this neuropathological entity. The progn
osis is favorable though some cases of recurrence (14 cases) and cerebrospi
nal dissemination (2 cases) has been reported in the literature.