In the radioactive beam experiment (REX) at ISOLDE/CERN radioactive singly
charged ions are delivered by the online mass separator ISOLDE and are acce
lerated up to 2.2 MeV/u by a new concept, using a linear accelerator consis
ting of a RFQ accelerator, an IH-structure and three 7-gap-resonators (Habs
et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 126 (1997) 218). The ions coming from ISO
LDE are first accumulated, bunched and cooled in a Penning Ion Trap (REXTRA
P), which is similar to ISOLTRAP (Bollen et al., Nucl. Instr, and Meth. A 3
68 (1996) 675). Then, in an electron beam ion source (REXEBIS) charge multi
plication takes place. Finally, the highly charged ions are accelerated in
the LINAC. As the ions coming out from the EBIS contain impurities coming f
rom residual gas inside the EBIS, an accurate q/m selection is necessary be
fore the beam is injected into the RFQ accelerator. This paper presents the
design of the REX-ISOLDE separator. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rig
hts reserved.