Background. The purpose of this study was to attempt to improve upon conven
tional coronal computed tomographic (CT) images of neonatal chest which to
date have been made by reformatting thinly spaced axial images,
Materials and methods. Nine neonates were studied by direct coronal CT scan
s with the patients long axis 90 degrees to the scanning table.
They were studied to further define their thoracic abnormalities detected o
n plain film. Spiral CT and cine scan (Imatron) were utilized.
Results. Congenital lung lesions such as congenital cystic adenomatoid malf
ormation could not be diagnosed but their anatomical location could be accu
rately depicted. enabling easier surgical planning.
The arterial supply to bronchopulmonary sequestrations was also identifiabl
e. Tracheobronchial abnormalities such as tracheobronchus and bronchial atr
esia were also identifiable. Causing of air trapping, both intrinsic such a
s an atretic bronchus and extrinsic such as vascular compression were readi
ly demonstrated.
Conclusion. With neither special devices nor paraphernalia, the described m
ethod of direct coronal CT scans were both feasible and provided significan
t information. This technique allows for improved assessment of the tracheo
bronchial tree and more accurate detection, localization, and characteristi
cs of lesions adjacent to the diaphragm.