This study was undertaken to assess the reliability of the endoscopic biops
ies in the evaluation of colorectal villous tumors (CRVT). Ln 163 consecuti
ve patients referred for surgical treatment of CRVT, preoperative evaluatio
n had been routinely done by colonoscopy and multiple biopsies. Tumors were
classified in 3 groups:low grade tumors, high grade tumors and adenocarcin
omas. Infiltration in depth was staged on the postoperative specimens accor
ding to the Dukes-Astler-Coller's classification. All the tumors were compl
etely resected by surgery and definitive pathological diagnosis was establi
shed, An exact correlation between the pre- and postoperative staging was o
bserved in 48% of the cases. Accuracy averaged 54% in the group-by-group co
mparison, with an overstaging rate of 6.7%, and an understaging rate of 39%
. The incidence of adenocarcinomas was 22% in the group with clearly benign
preoperative biopsies and 50% in the other cases. There were significantly
more B2 and C tumors among the patients referred after 3 or more endoscopi
c attempts (33%) than after one or two sessions (10%) (p < 0.0003). We conf
irm that in spite of multiple endoscopic biopsies, only a complete resectio
n permits an exact staging and an appropriate therapeutic choice.