Trees which root below crops may have a beneficial role in simultaneous agr
oforestry systems by intercepting and recycling nutrients which leach below
the crop rooting zone. They may also compete less strongly for nutrients t
han trees which root mainly within the same zone as crops. To test these hy
potheses we placed highly enriched N-15-labelled ammonium sulphate at three
depths in the soil between mixed hedgerows of the shallow-rooting Gliricid
ia sepium and the deep rooting Peltophorum dasyrrhachis. A year after the i
sotope application most of the residual N-15 in the soil remained close to
the injection points due to the joint application with a carbon source whic
h promoted N-15 immobilization. Temporal N-15 uptake patterns (two-weekly l
eaf sub-sampling) as well as total N-15 recovery measurements suggested tha
t Peltophorum obtained more N from the subsoil than Gliricidia. Despite thi
s Gliricidia appeared to compete weakly with the crop for N as it recovered
little N-15 from any depth but obtained an estimated 44-58% of its N from
atmospheric N-2-fixation. Gliricidia took up an estimated 21 kg N ha(-1) an
d Peltophorum an estimated 42 kg N ha(-1) from beneath the main crop rootin
g zone. The results demonstrate that direct placement of N-15 can be used t
o identify N sourcing by trees and crops in simultaneous agroforestry syste
ms, although the heterogeneity of tree root distributions needs to be taken
into account when designing experiments.