The attainable values of molecular-weight distribution (MWD) specified by d
ie degree of polymerization and the polydispersity ill a batch free-radical
polymerization reactor are described. The two-step method based on the qua
dratic profile of die instantaneous degree of polymerization is used to obt
ain die recipe producing the polymer with the desired MWD specification. Th
e analytic solution for the quadratic profile is derived and analyzed in or
der to estimate the attainable MWD given the constraints on the range of th
e instantaneous degree of polymerization The entire computational procedure
is intelligently organized, and thus die actual computational load is very
low compared to the conventional optimization scheme. The MWD attainable u
nder a specific operating condition with constraints in a batch styrene pol
ymerization reactor is visualized and various reactor temperature trajector
ies that would produce the desired polymer product are calculated. The abil
ity to predict the attainable MWD allows ail engineer to easily design the
recipes that would meet the desired MWD specification.