Background In 1996, the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services, conc
erned that reuse of devices contaminated with blood or blood products could
cause the transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), discontinued it
s practice of reusing angioplasty catheters despite the significant cost sa
vings reuse had afforded the health care system for several years. The obje
ctive of this study was to establish whether the medical literature provide
s documentation of any cases in which CJD was transmitted by reused percuta
neous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) equipment.
Methods and Results A Medline search was performed to identify previous stu
dies that examined this issue. Key words for the search included PTCA, CJD,
and material and equipment reuse. A substantial amount of effort has been
spent on the study of PTCA catheter reuse in relation to the risk of infect
ion, toxicity, and catheter breakage as well as cost. In Quebec, studies by
the Conseil d'Evaluation des Technologies de la Sante investigated the eff
ectiveness of cleaning and sterilizing PTCA equipment and considered the po
ssibility that reuse of single-use catheters, hemodialyzers, and cardiac pa
cemakers could spread CJD. A number of other studies found evidence that ia
trogenic transmission was responsible For several cases of CJD by direct im
plantation in or adjacent to the central nervous system during neurosurgery
CJD was also transmitted to human beings by injection of pituitary growth
hormone and to mice through cerebral inoculation of contaminated blood and
urine. However, there were no documented cases of CJD occurring as a compli
cation of PTCA equipment reuse.
Conclusions The current literature indicates that there are no known cases
of CJD attributable to the reuse of PTCA devices contaminated by blood or t
o the transfusion of blood or blood products. This practice is associated w
ith a very low risk of CJD transmission. With the considerable cost savings
made possible by reuse of PTCA equipment, reimplementation of this practic
e should be considered by health delivery systems, provided that stringent
methods of cleaning and sterilization are observed.