The epilithic biofilms of a fourth-order river, the Ter, was characterized
by high algal biomass and activity and bacterial density. The epilithon was
the most important site for the cycling of organic matter, while the water
column had rather low activities. In spite of being a nutrient-rich system
, the ectoenzymatic activities were not significantly higher in the River T
er than in other streams of lower nutrient content. Biomass and activities
followed a markedly seasonal pattern, mainly showing a peak in spring and a
utumn. Discharge and nutrients were the most important factors for the regu
lation of the biofilm metabolism. Drastic decrease in mid-summer were relat
ed to the extremely dry conditions during that period. The activity of epil
ithic ectoenzymes was higher during high discharge periods, which were coup
led with higher DOC content in the stream water.