The characteristics of 214 episodes invasive bacterial infection among 176
patients with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease were examined. Streptococ
cus pneumoniae occurred in 81 episodes, Salmonella spp in 70, Haemophilus i
nfluenzae type b in 30, Escherichia coli in 24, and Klebsiella spp in nine.
The cumulative incidence showed that S pneumoniae and H influenzae occurre
d predominantly before 5 years of age and were uncommon thereafter, Salmone
lla spp increased almost linearly with age, and Klebsiella spp and E coli p
redominated in patients over 10 years of age. Escherichia coli had a differ
ent epidemiology-it was found in older children, almost entirely girls. Exc
luding this organism from an analysis of recurrent bacterial infections, th
e standardised incidence rates for second and third infections were 4.8 and
15.8 times greater, respectively, than the SS population average. This imp
lies that the susceptibility: to infection is characteristic of a subgroup
of patients with SS disease and that sick patients with previous bacteraemi
a should be investigated early and aggressively for further infection.