Background: Health and education services are increasingly expected to focu
s on the consumer The perceptions of childbearing women should be incorpora
ted into midwifery curricula, but often they are given minimal attention or
not sought for this purpose. This study was designed to enable the views a
nd experiences of local women to influence curriculum development in a larg
e university in England. Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal, qualitative
study was conducted using semistructured and unstructured interviews with w
omen, and data from their maternity records. Forty-one pregnant women were
recruited and interviewed during pregnancy, in the early postpartum period
in hospital, and in their homes 2 to 3 weeks after the birth. Results: Them
es were clustered into three categories: the characteristics and qualities
of the caregivers, the individualized nature of care, and the clinical comp
etence of the caregivers. Continuity of caregiver was desired but accepted
as probably unrealistic by many. Developing a "special" trusting relationsh
ip with a female midwife was perceived as essential to promoting a positive
childbirth experience. Clinical competence was expected and largely experi
enced. Negative feelings related to individual caregivers move than the typ
e of care given. Conclusions: Most women had positive experiences, finding
midwives and doctors with good knowledge, interpersonal skills, and abiliti
es, Examples of poor communication skills and interprofessional conflict in
dicated a need to give priority to developing and assessing students' inter
personal skills. Evidence of interprofessional conflict acted as the cataly
st to merge midwifery with the department of obstetrics in the university t
o enhance interprofessional learning.