Phenotypic analysis of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells has been an
invaluable tool in defining the biology of stem cell populations. We use he
re Row cytometry to examine the expression of human erythroid-specific surf
ace markers during the maturation of early committed erythroid cells derive
d from cord blood in vitro. The temporal order of the expression of erythro
id specific markers was as follows: Kell glycoprotein (gp), Rh gp, Landstei
ner Wiener (LW) gp, glycophorin A (GPA), Band 3, Lutheran (Lu) gp, and Duff
y (Fy) gp. The time at which some of these markers appeared suggests possib
le roles for some of these erythroid-specific polypeptides during the diffe
rentiation of these committed progenitors. The early appearance of Kell gp
raises the possibility that it may have an important role in the early stag
es of hematopoiesis or cell lineage determination. Kell gp may also be a us
eful marker for the diagnosis of erythroleukemia. The late expression of Lu
gp suggests it may be involved in the migration of erythroid precursors fr
om the marrow. Fy gp is also expressed late consistent with a role as a sca
venger receptor for cytokines in the bone marrow and circulation, Rh c anti
gen appeared before ph D antigen, and it is suggested that this may reflect
a reorganization of the developing erythroid cell membrane involving the p
h polypeptides and other components, including GPA and Band 3. (C) 1999 by
The American Society of Hematology.