Clinical studies have suggested that both MDR1 and MRP may play a significa
nt role in the chemosensitivity and outcome of neuroblastoma. To clarify th
e nature of multidrug resistance (MDR) in this tumour a series of six neuro
blastoma cell lines have been characterized with regard to P-glycoprotein,
MRP and LRP expression using immunocytochemistry and expression of MDR1, MR
P, LRP and topoisomerase II genes using reverse transcription polymerase ch
ain reaction (RT-PCR). By RT-PCR, all lines expressed MRP, five expressed L
RP and four expressed MDR1, but protein levels of each of these were variab
le. Chemosensitization to a range of MDR-associated drugs (vincristine, dox
orubicin, etoposide, taxotere, topotecan) and non-MDR-associated drugs (cis
platin, melphalan) by three modulating agents, cyclosporin A, PSG 833 and t
he novel Biricodar (VX-710; Incel(TM)), was evaluated using a colourimetric
cytotoxicity assay (MTS). Alteration of daunorubicin efflux by these agent
s was evaluated using FAGS analysis. Clonogenic assay was used to study the
influence of these chemosensitizers on vincristine cytotoxicity. Marked se
nsitization to vincristine was observed in MDR1-positive lines, and a simil
ar but less consistent effect was seen with taxotere, doxorubicin and etopo
side. With MRP-positive, MDR-negative lines, only VX-710 caused consistent
sensitization. These data confirm MDR1 and MRP expression as contributory f
actors in chemoresistance in neuroblastoma and indicate that VX-710 may be
a useful modulator of both mechanisms and worthy of clinical evaluation in
this tumour.