The vowel patterns displayed by one phonologically disordered child were ev
aluated during the course of a 10-week treatment period using a combination
of acoustic and transcriptional methods. At the conclusion of treatment th
e size of the child's vowel inventory and overall vowel accuracy improved.
Although the child's vowel inventory increased, a chronological mismatch in
vowel mastery occurred, whereby vowels that were expected to be mastered e
arly [i, o, a] were the least accurate, while vowels that were not expected
to be mastered [I, ae] were highly accurate. Those vowels with the highest
accuracy also showed the most significant acoustic changes with regard to
fundamental frequency and vowel duration. Vocal tract resonance measures of
formant frequency were not discriminating of changes in vowel accuracy acr
oss the course of treatment. Discussion focuses on the nature of vowel deve
lopment in phonologically disordered children, as depicted along transcript
ional and acoustic phonetic domains.