The frequency-dependent properties of Rayleigh-type surface waves can be ut
ilized for imaging and characterizing the shallow subsurface, Most surface-
wave analysis relies on the accurate calculation of phase velocities for th
e horizontally traveling fundamental-mode Rayleigh wave acquired by steppin
g out a pair of receivers at intervals based on calculated ground roll wave
lengths. Interference by coherent source-generated noise inhibits the relia
bility of shear-wave velocities determined through inversion of the whole w
ave field. Among these nonplanar, nonfundamental-mode Rayleigh waves (noise
) are body waves, scattered and nonsource-generated surface waves, and high
er-mode surface waves. The degree to which each of these types of noise con
taminates the dispersion curve and, ultimately, the inverted shear-wave vel
ocity profile is dependent on frequency as well as distance from the source
Multichannel recording permits effective identification and isolation of no
ise according to distinctive trace-to-trace coherency in arrival time and a
mplitude. An added advantage is the speed and redundancy of the measurement
process. Decomposition of a multichannel record into a time variable-frequ
ency format, similar to an uncorrelated Vibroseis record, permits analysis
and display of each frequency component in a unique and continuous format.
Coherent noise contamination can then be examined and its effects appraised
in both frequency and offset space. Separation of frequency components per
mits real-time maximization of the SM ratio during acquisition and subseque
nt processing steps.
Linear separation of each ground roll frequency component allows calculatio
n of phase velocities by simply measuring the linear slope of each frequenc
y component. Breaks in coherent surface-wave arrivals, observable on the de
composed record, can be compensated fur during acquisition and processing.
Multichannel recording permits single-measurement surveying of a broad dept
h range, high levels of redundancy with a single field configuration, and t
he ability to adjust the offset, effectively reducing random or nonlinear n
oise introduced during recording.
A multichannel shot gather decomposed into a swept-frequency record allows
the fast generation of an accurate dispersion curve. The accuracy of disper
sion curves determined using this method is proven through field comparison
s of the inverted shear-wave velocity (v(s)) profile with a downhole v(s) p