A critical problem in inversion of geophysical data is developing a stable
inverse problem solution that can simultaneously resolve complicated geolog
ical structures. The traditional way to obtain a stable solution is based o
n maximum smoothness criteria. This approach, however, provides smoothed un
focused images of real geoelectrical structures. Recently, a new approach t
o reconstruction of images has been developed based on a total variational
stabilizing functional. However, in geophysical applications it still produ
ces distorted images. In this paper we develop a new technique to solve thi
s problem which we call focusing inversion images. It is based on specially
selected stabilizing functionals, called minimum gradient support (MGS) fu
nctionals, which minimize the area where strong model parameter variations
and discontinuity occur. We demonstrate that the MGS functional, in combina
tion with the penalization function, helps to generate clearer and more foc
used images for geological structures than conventional maximum smoothness
or total variation functionals. The method has been successfully tested on
synthetic models and applied to real gravity data.