This is the first report on an isolation of Trichophyton tonsurans var.sulf
ureum subvar.perforans in Germany. In our patient, the strain had caused ty
pical tinea corporis, which was most likely acquired during a wrestling com
petition. Based on the macroscopic and microscopic morphology and an the ph
ysiologic properties occurring under various growth conditions, the identif
ication of Trichophyton tonsurans and the particular characteristics of its
var.sulfureum subvar.perforans are described. Partial 18S and 23S nuclear
ribosomal RNA sequences and the internal transcribed spacer region I sequen
ces of our strain were completely identical with those of a Trichophyton to
nsurans reference strain. The epidemiology of Trichophyton tonsurans
lfureum subvar.perforans and a possible association of this variety with ti
nea in wrestlers (tinea gladiatorum) have not yet been investigated.