The Healthy Cities Project is based on the development of healthy public po
licies by local governments. The study aim of some project teams in differe
nt countries has been to find out what processes are involved in the develo
pment of these policies, how decisions are made, and who and what they are
influenced by. The Valencian Community Healthy Cities Network conducted an
evaluation process, part of which is presented in this paper. The aim was t
o find out the concepts and opinions of the project co-ordinators concernin
g the opportunities and problems for healthy municipal policies, and to ana
lyse the municipal organization with a view to detecting structural opportu
nities for interdepartmental work. Interviews were conducted with the peopl
e responsible for the project in 13 cities and the relevant documents analy
sed. When discussing their health concept and actions for health, few of th
e the co-ordinators mentioned the ideas contained in the Ottawa Charter. Th
e established health programmes were rather based on personal/ individual c
hanges and topic approach than setting-based strategies. The structural and
strategic opportunities for interdepartmental work as well as the active p
articipation of the community in the healthy policies decision-making proce
ss need to be strengthened as they are perceived to be insufficient. Person
al relationships and political differences between the different actors app
ear to play an important role in the opportunities for the implementation o
f intersector al policies.