The avalanche-multiplication and noise characteristics of a series of thin
(0.05 mu m < w < 1 mu m) p(+)-i-n(+) GaAs and Al0.3Ga0.7As diodes have been
measured. According to the widely used theory of McIntyre, the lowest exce
ss-noise factor should be obtained with materials that have a small ratio o
f ionisation coefficients, k = beta/alpha, where alpha is the ionisation co
efficient of the initiating carrier. It has been found, however, that in th
in avalanche regions, < 1 mu m, the assumptions of McIntyre's noise theory
become increasingly invalid and low noise factors can be achieved even when
k is of the order of 1. In such thin devices, the dead space becomes a sig
nificant fraction of w, reducing the randomness in ionisation path length a
nd hence the noise.