The orientation distribution function (ODF) is a statistical descripti
on of the orientation of the crystals which together make up a bulk sa
mple. This paper describes an inversion of laboratory piezoelectric me
asurements, made in different directions, to provide an estimate of th
e smoothed, piezoelectrically-defined ODF for quartz crystals in a roc
k. The inversion algorithm incorporates the properties of the piezoele
ctric tensor so that the result is guaranteed to be consistent with th
e piezoelectric properties of quartz. The case considered is that for
which stress and electrical polarization are measured in the same dire
ction. The procedure minimizes the RMS value of the ODF over the entir
e sample, subject to the constraints provided by the measurements. The
algorithm was tested by first generating synthetic data for a sample
consisting of quartz crystals in a single known orientation, and simpl
e aggregates of quartz crystals in different known orientations. The a
greement between the ideal data and piezoelectric values calculated fr
om the inversion of such synthetic samples was about twelve significan
t figures, the limitation being due to the number of significant figur
es output by the program generating the synthetic data. Adding random
noise to the synthetic data had the result of worsening the agreement
between the inversion results and the synthetic data by an amount appr
oximately equal to the variance of the added noise. Thus, the inversio
n can be used to evaluate an input data set. Data that are seriously i
nconsistent with the piezoelectric tensor for quartz do not invert wel
l in the sense that the result does not reproduce closely the input da
ta. When used with a real data set comprised of 102 measurements of pi
ezoelectric coefficients, residuals were significantly larger than we
had expected. The size of the residuals can be accounted for by experi
mental errors in the measurements or the inhomogeneity of the sample,
or both. However, redundancy due to the extensive oversampling enabled
us to produce an acceptable pole figure. An Appendix summarizes some
of the important matrix relationships for piezoelectric materials and
corrects some errors in published values.