The clinical evaluation of venous catheters for catheter-induced infections
must conform to a strict biometric methodology The statistical planning of
the study (target population, design, degree of blinding), data management
(database design, definition of variables, coding), quality assurance (dat
a inspection at several levels) and the biometric evaluation of the Erlange
r silver catheter project are described. The three-step data now included:
1) primary data from the hospital, 2) relational database, 3) files accessi
ble for statistical evaluation. Two different statistical models were compa
red: analyzing the first catheter only of a patient in the analysis (indepe
ndent data) and analyzing several catheters from the same patient (dependen
t data) by means of the generalized estimating equations (GEE) method. The
main result of the study was based on the comparison of both statistical mo