One strategy that has been used extensively to cut operation costs is downs
izing, a planned reduction in a firm's work force. Downsizing must be based
on a thorough analysis of the firm's prioritized opportunities and their l
imited economic resources to achieve them. Some operations research techniq
ues have appeared in the literature as Practical aids in downsizing methodo
logy. The purpose and significance of the research ill this paper is to: pr
ovide the first demonstration of how a prioritized multi-objective programm
ing-oriented methodology (i.e. goal programming) can be used for planning t
he downsizing of production/operations resources; and demonstrate a new met
hodological approach that can be used to determine previously hidden goals
in a manufacturing linear pvogvammiizg model of the downsizing problem. Bas
ed on a problem reported in the literature, this paper will illustrate how
apt optimal allocation of production resources can be achieved while provid
ing useful information in which to ensure other prioritized goals and their
economic tradeoffs ave considered in the downsizing analysis.