This study describes the development of a multidimensional biodata form whi
ch used explicit constructs to guide item generation and rational scale dev
elopment, construct validation, criterion measurement and empirical keying.
These constructs were goal-orientation, teamwork, customer service, resour
cefulness, learning ability and leadership. Exploratory and confirmatory fa
ctor analyses in both applicant and incumbent samples were used to identify
and test the model which included the thirteen, more differentiated ration
al scales relating to these six, broader constructs. Empirical keying of th
e rationally developed scales was conducted against criterion construct sca
les conceptually related to each predictor construct. Empirical keying at t
he item level was found to result in higher validities and cross-validities
than either empirical keying at the scale level, or rational keying. The i
tem keyed instrument also demonstrated incremental validity over a test of
cognitive ability for specific work performance domains as well as overall
work performance.