This study investigated how mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) diagnostic a
nd related variables present in a large, nonreferred MTBI sample. Participa
nts were 119 adults with MTBI, drawn from consecutive admissions to two hos
pital emergency wards. Within 3 weeks of injury, they were asked how the 19
93 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine MTBI diagnostic criteria an
d related phenomena presented in their particular cases. Results showed tha
t retrograde amnesia was not reported or was generally very brief; retrogra
de amnesia was not reported unless posttraumatic amnesia was also reported;
and the median ratio of posttraumatic amnesia to retrograde amnesia durati
on, when both were reported, was 300:1. These and other data provide a prel
iminary normative profile of such MTBI phenomena, and can help with differe
ntial diagnosis of MTBI in individual cases.