Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of gut muco
sal atrophy and changes in mucosal permeability in critically ill patients
after a short fasting period.
Materials and Methods: Fifteen critically ill patients underwent a period o
f enteral fasting of at least 4 days (mean 7.8 days). We took the following
measurements the day before initiating enteral nutrition: indirect calorim
etry, serum albumin, prealbumin, and lymphocyte count. We also performed a
duodenal endoscopic biopsy with histopathological and mucosal morphometric
analysis including villus height and crypt depth. The lactulose-mannitol te
st was performed to assess gut permeability, A total of 28 healthy voluntee
rs served as controls for duodenal biopsy or lactulose-mannitol test. Clini
cal data, such as length of fasting, severity score, and previous parentera
l nutritional support, were recorded,
Results: We found gut mucosal atrophy, expressed as a decrease in villus he
ight and crypt depth, in patients compared with controls. The patients also
exhibited an abnormal lactulose-mannitol test. Morphometric changes did no
t correlate with permeability. Further, we found no correlation between the
results of the lactulose-mannitol test and of mucosal morphometry with cli
nical data.
Conclusions: We found that a short period of enteral fasting was associated
with significant duodenal mucosal atrophy and abnormal gut permeability in
critically ill patients. Copyright (C) 1999 by W.B, Saunders Company.