The dimensionality of harmonic modes in nanocrystalline iron is determined
by a nonlinear method, and the result is analysed in terms of the Debye mod
el and a fracton model. The negative of the exponent of the recoiless fract
ion, F, is calculated as a function of temperature from data in the literat
ure. It is found that the temperature variation of F cannot be reproduced b
y the Debye model for two- or three-dimensional lattices, but can be reason
ably well fit by a fracton model. Using the fracton model, it is found that
the density of states scales with modal frequency and has a scaling expone
nt of 1.22 +/- 0.13. This suggests that the modes have a dimensionality,<(d
)double over bar> , of 2.22 +/- 0.13. It is concluded that the value of <(d
)double over bar> may indicate the presence of fractons and a fractal atomi
c structure in nanocrystalline iron.