The geological record is punctuated by the deposits of extreme event p
henomena, the identification and interpretation of which are hindered
by a lack of data on contemporary examples. It is impossible to direct
ly observe sedimentary bedforms and grain fabrics forming under natura
l particle-transporting, high-velocity currents, and therefore, their
characteristics are poorly documented. The deposits of such flows are
exposed however, in the dry bed of the Burdekin River, queensland, Aus
tralia following tropical cyclone-induced floods. Long wave-length (up
to 19 m) gravel antidunes develop during short (days) high-discharge
flows in the upper Burdekin River (maximum recorded discharge near the
study reach over 25 600 m(3) s(-1) in February 1927). Flood water lev
els fall quickly (metres in a day) and flow is diverted away from rais
ed areas of the river bed into subchannels, exposing many of the high-
stage bedforms with little reworking by falling-stage currents. Gravel
bedforms were observed on the dry river bed after the moderate flows
of February 1994 (max. 7700 m(3) s(-1)) and January 1996 (max. 3200 m(
3) s(-1)). The bedforms had wave-lengths in the range 8-19 m, amplitud
es of up to 1 m with steeper stoss than lee faces and crest lines gene
rally transverse to local peak-discharge flow direction. The gravel fa
bric and size sorting change systematically up the stoss and down the
lee faces. The antidune deposits form erosive based lenses of sandy gr
avel with low-angle downstream dipping lamination and generally steep
upstream dipping a-b planes. The internal form and fabric of the antid
une gravel lenses are distinctly different from those of dune lee grav
el lenses. The erosive based lenses of low-angle cross-bedded gravel w
ith steep upstream dipping a-b planes are relatively easy to recognize
and may be diagnostic of downstream migrating antidunes. The antidune
gravel lenses are associated with thick (to 1 m) high-angle cross bed
sets. Ancient antidune gravel lenses may be diagnostic of episodic hi
gh-discharge conditions and particularly when they are associated with
high-angle cross-bedded gravelly sand they may be useful for palaeoen
vironmental interpretation.