Introduction: Synechiae formation of the posterior glottis can result in tr
acheostomy dependence secondary to airway obstruction. Stenosis is caused b
y total or partial fixation of the vocal folds in adduction resulting from
scar contracture. The treatment poses a management dilemma because of recur
rent scar formation, made worse by mobility of the vocal folds. Although va
rious treatment options from conservative endoscopic repair to open procedu
res have been proposed, the results are not satisfactory and patients often
require multiple procedures. Methods: We present the trial of a conservati
ve approach that includes microscopic CO2 laser resection of the scar with
concomitant botulinum toxin injection of the interarytenoid and thyroaryten
oid muscles of the more mobile cord. This results in a temporary paresis of
the adductor muscles and hence prevents overadduction in the posterior com
missure during the postoperative healing period. Study Design: We present t
he surgical technique and results in three patients who underwent the proce
dure. Results: Treatment in all three patients was successful, Conclusions:
The appropriate use of botulinum toxin may help improve the treatment outc
ome of posterior synechiae of the larynx without sacrificing any laryngeal