We propose an effective theory for the critical phase of a quantum ferrimag
netic chain with alternating spins 1 and 1/2 in an external magnetic field.
With the help of the matrix product variational approach, the system is ma
pped to a spin-1/2 XXZ chain in an (effective) magnetic field; as a by-prod
uct, we obtain an excellent description of the optical magnon branch in the
gapped phase. Recent finite-temperature density matrix renormalization gro
up results for the low-temperature part of the specific heat are well descr
ibed by the present approach, and the "pop-up" peaks, developing near the c
ritical field values and in the middle of the critical phase, are identifie
d with the contributions from two different spinon bands of the effective s
pin-1/2 chain. The effect should be observable as well in other spin-gap sy
stems in an external field, particularly in spin ladders.