In this process a heavy or superheavy nucleus spontaneously breaks into fou
r, five, or six nuclei of which two are asymmetric or symmetric heavy fragm
ents and the others are light clusters, e.g., alpha particles, Be-10, C-14,
O-20, Or combinations of them. Examples are presented for the two-, three-
, and four-cluster accompanied cold fission of Cf-252 and (262)Rf, in which
the emitted clusters are 2 alpha, alpha + He-6, alpha + Be-10, alpha + C-1
4, 3 alpha, alpha + He-6 + Be-10, 2 alpha + He-6, 2 alpha + Be-8, 2 alpha C-14, and 4 alpha. A comparison is made with the recently observed Cf-252
cold binary fission, and cold ternary (accompanied by cu particle or by Be-
10 cluster). The strong shell effect corresponding to the doubly magic heav
y fragment Sn-132 is emphasized. The most favorable mechanism of such a dec
ay mode should be the emission from an elongated neck formed between the tw
o heavy fragments. [S0556-2813(99)03906-0].