In a gauge theory with no Higgs fields the mechanism for confinement is by
center vortices, but in theories with adjoint Higgs fields and generic symm
etry breaking, such as the Georgi-Glashow model, Polyakov showed that in d
= 3 confinement arises via a condensate of 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles. We
study the connection in d = 3 between pure-gauge-theory and the theory with
adjoint Higgs fields by varying the Higgs VEV upsilon. As one lowers upsil
on from the Polyakov semiclassical regime upsilon much greater than g (g is
the gauge coupling) toward zero, where the unbroken theory lies, one encou
nters effects associated with the unbroken theory at a finite value upsilon
similar or equal to g, where dynamical mass generation of a gauge-symmetri
c gauge-boson mass m similar or equal to g(2) takes place, in addition to t
he Higgs-generated non-symmetric mass M similar or equal to upsilon g. This
dynamical mass generation is forced by the infrared instability tin both 3
and 4 dimensions) of the pure-gauge theory. We construct solitonic configu
rations of the theory with both m,M not equal 0 which are generically close
d loops consisting of nexuses (a class of soliton recently studiedfdlthe pu
re-gauge theory), each paired with an antinexus, sitting like beads on a st
ring of center vortices with vortex fields always pointing into (out of) a
nexus (antinexus); the vortex magnetic fields extend a transverse distance
1/m. An isolated nexus with vortices is continuously deformable from the 't
Hooft-Polyakov (m = 0) monopole to the pure-gauge-nexus-vortex complex (M
= 0). In thr pure-gauge M = 0 limit the homotopy Pi(2)(SU(2)/U(1)) = Z [or
its analog for SU(N)] of the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles is no longer appli
cable, and is replaced by the center-vortex homotopy (Pi(1)(SU(N)/Z(N)) = Z
(N) of the center vortices. [S0556-2821(99)06012-9].