High seroprevalence (47.9 %) of antibody (AB) titers against B. burgdorferi
s.l. were demonstrated in 1492 horses clinically suspicious unsuspicious f
or Lyme borreliosis (LB) in Germany. For the first time in Germany and poss
ibly in Europe cases of sick horses are described in which clinical symptom
s of LB and high AB titers occurred, and intra vitam Borrelia were isolated
and were typed as B. burgdorferi s.l. after culturing. The main clinical s
ymptoms in four horses were cachexia, polyarthritis, keratitis, endocarditi
s, acrodermatitis, sarcoid, hyperesthesia and somnolence. Intra vitam Borre
lia were repeatedly cultured from biopsy samples of the skin and the conjun
ctiva and synovia. Post mortem Borrelia were isolated form the skin, synovi
al membranes of several joints, the eyes (conjunctiva, cornea, sklera and r
etina),several lymph nodes, the truncus aortae, lungs, liver, spleen, kidne
y and brain. It is assumed in accordance with KOCH's postulates that Borrel
ia burgdorferi sensu late is the causative agent of Lyme borreliosis in hor
ses in Germany and other parts of Europe. Thus the diagnosis chronic Lyme b
orreliosis was made.