Acrylic polymerizations are highly exothermic processes which must be caref
ully evaluated to ensure safe manufacture. In particular, failure to remove
the heat of reaction can lead to runaway polymerizations, characterized by
sudden and rapid increases in reaction rate, temperature, and pressure. If
not adequately vented, runaway polymerization can quickly lead to reactor
overpressure, possible vessel rupture, and release of flammable or toxic ma
Because of complex polymerization kinetics and the large number of industri
al acrylic polymer processes, practical application of DIERS two-phase flow
methodology for sizing reactor emergency vents required development of a c
omputer model to simulate specific commercial polymerization. This model is
currently used to determine the emergency vent adequacy of reactors prior
to manufacture of new resins in existing equipment, as well as to assist in
design of new reactor systems. The purpose of this paper is to discuss pra
ctical applications of DIERS technology for ensuring safe acrylic resin man
ufacture through use of computer simulation.