The goal of this study was to investigate the practicability and effectiven
ess of a systematic screening for renal cell carcinoma by ultrasound in the
course of the established German Health Ministry screening programs.
Methods: In Two centers (Mainz and Wuppertal) a screening program for renal
cell carcinoma for all citizens (age >40 years) was established. The scree
ning was divided into two phases (time period 1 year): (1) All citizens ove
r 40 years could attend voluntarily a cost-free ultrasound investigation. (
2) A follow-up investigation for the entire screening population was provid
Results: Ten thousand volunteers attended the screening program. Mean age w
as 60 years. Thirteen renal cell carcinomas were detected. The incidence of
other findings was 15%; none of those required further treatment.
Conclusion: Systematic screening for renal cell carcinoma by ultrasound is
cost-effective and showed high acceptance and practicability in a German po
pulation. The rate of detection of renal cell carcinoma was higher than ini
tially statistically calculated.