The characteristics of oxygen uptake ((V) over dot O-2) kinetics differ wit
h exercise intensity.
When exercise is performed at a given work rate which is below lactate thre
shold (LT), (V) over dot O-2 increases exponentially to a steady-state leve
l. Neither the slope of the increase in (V) over dot O-2 with respect to wo
rk rate nor the time constant of (V) over dot O-2 responses has been found
to be a function of work rate within this domain, indicating a linear dynam
ic relationship between the (V) over dot O-2 and the work rate. However, so
me factors, such as physical training, age and pathological conditions can
alter the (V) over dot O-2 kinetic responses at the onset of exercise. Rega
rding the control mechanism for exercise (V) over dot O-2 kinetics, 2 oppos
ing hypotheses have been proposed. One of them suggests that the rate of th
e increase in (V) over dot O-2 at the onset of exercise is limited by the c
apacity of oxygen delivery to active muscle. The other suggests that the ab
ility of the oxygen utilisation in exercising muscle acts as the rate-limit
ing step. This issue is still being debated. When exercise is performed at
a work rate above LT, the (V) over dot O-2 kinetics become more complex. An
additional component is developed after a few minutes of exercise. The slo
w component either delays the attainment of the steady-state (V) over dot O
-2 or drives the (V) over dot O-2 to the maximum level, depending on exerci
se intensity. The magnitude of this slow component also depends on the dura
tion of the exercise. The possible causes for the slow component of (V) ove
r dot O-2 during heavy exercise include: (i) increases in blood lactate lev
els; (ii) increases in plasma epinephrine (adrenaline) levels; (iii) increa
sed ventilatory work; (iv) elevation of body temperature; and (v) recruitme
nt of type IIb fibres. Since 86% of the (V) over dot O-2 slow component is
attributed to the exercising limbs, the major contributor is likely within
the exercising muscle itself. During high intensity exercise an increase in
the recruitment of low-efficiency type IIb fibres (the fibres involved in
the slow component) can cause an increase in the oxygen cost of exercise. A
change in the pattern of motor unit recruitment, and thus less activation
of type IIb fibres, may also account for a large part of the reduction in t
he slow component of (V) over dot O-2 observed after physical training.