A novel HLA-A*68 allele was identified by reference strand conformation ana
lysis of a DNA sample studied for the International Cell Exchange program.
Direct sequencing of HLA-A locus PCR products confirmed the presence of A*6
602 and an A*68 allele which differed from A*68011 by two nucleotides at po
sitions 538 and 539. The presence of this sequence motif in this allele whi
ch has been named A*6808 was verified by DNA sequencing of full-length A*68
08 clones. No other coding differences between A*68011 and A*6808 were iden
tified. The two nucleotide substitutions found in A*6808 effect an amino ac
id difference in the encoded protein at residue 156 within the peptide bind
ing site which may evoke alloreactive immune response after HLA-A68 mismatc
hed transplants.