The Mediterranean diet not only produces favourable effects on blood l
ipids but also protects against oxidative stress, Oxidative damage is
thought to represent one of the mechanisms leading to chronic diseases
such as atherosclerosis and cancer, Many studies suggest that a link
exists between fruit and vegetables in the diet or the amounts of plas
ma antioxidant vitamins (ascorbic acid, tocopherol and carotenoids) an
d risk of death from cancer or coronary heart diseases,although a larg
e emphasis has been given to different components of the diet, attenti
on has recently shifted to the diet as a whole, The Mediterranean diet
is able to modulate oxidative stress through complex mechanisms and n
ot just the high antioxidant compound content. The preference for fres
h fruit and vegetables in the Mediterranean diet will result in a high
er consumption of raw foods, a lower production of cooking-related oxi
dants and a consequent decreased waste of nutritional and endogenous a
ntioxidants, The high intake of antioxidant and fibre helps to scaveng
e even the small amount of oxidants or oxidized compounds.