The enzymic regulation of triacylglycerol breakdown in skeletal muscle is p
oorly understood, Western blotting of muscle fibres isolated by collagenase
treatment or after freeze-drying demonstrated the presence of immunoreacti
ve hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), with the concentrations in soleus and di
aphragm being more than four times the concentrations in extensor digitorum
longus and epitrochlearis muscles. Neutral lipase activity determined unde
r conditions optimal for HSL varied directly with immunoreactivity. Express
ed relative to triacylglycerol content, neutral lipase activity in soleus m
uscle was about 10 times that in epididymal adipose tissue. In incubated so
leus muscle, both neutral lipase activity against triacylglycerol (but not
against a diacylglycerol analogue) and glycogen phosphorylase activity incr
eased in response to adrenaline (epinephrine). The lipase activation was co
mpletely inhibited by anti-HSL antibody and by propranolol. The effect of a
drenaline could be mimicked by incubation of crude supernatant from control
muscle with the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, while
no effect of the kinase subunit was seen with supernatant from adrenaline-t
reated muscle. The results indicate that HSL is present in skeletal muscle
and is stimulated by adrenaline via beta-adrenergic activation of cAMP-depe
ndent protein kinase. The concentration of HSL is higher in oxidative than
in glycolytic muscle, and the enzyme is activated in parallel with glycogen