Aims To evaluate the professional contact between the community pharmacist
and general practitioner during thr dispensing process on issues other than
the legality or simple clarification of the prescription.
Methods Fourteen community pharmacists from five adjacent localities comple
ted details of each clinical pharmacy intervention during 1 week of each mo
nth for a period of 1 year. Each week of the month was randomly selected. W
hen a community pharmacist had to contact the prescriber, during the dispen
sing of a prescription, the following data were recorded. brief patient det
ails, the prescribed drug therapy, the reason for intervention, the outcome
and the time taken. The main outcome measures were the type and nature of
each intervention, the BNF category of the drug involved and the time taken
. A multidisciplinary clinical panel assessed the potential of each interve
ntion to alter die outcome of the patient's clinical management and to prev
ent a drug related hospital admission. These assessments were ranked betwee
n 0 and 10 (100% confident).
Results During a period covering 1 week per month over 1 year, 1503 clinica
l pharmacy interventions were made out of 201000 items dispensed. When norm
alized for the dispensing volume of each community pharmacy the lower the n
umber of items dispensed then the greater was the percentage of interventio
ns (P=0.013). The clinical panel decided that between 19 (0.01% of the tota
l items dispensed) and 242 (0.12%) interventions may have prevented a drug-
related hospital admission, 71 (0.04%) to 483 (0.24%) could have prevented
harm whilst 103 (0.05%) to 364 (0.18%) had the potential to improve the eff
icacy of the intended therapeutic plan. The panel also decided that 748 (0.
37%) interventions improved the clinical outcome and could have saved a vis
it to or by the general practitioner.
Conclusion Clinical pharmacy provided by a community pharmacist during the
dispensing process has the potential to provide a valuable contribution to
health care.