Semantic memory impairment is a common feature of dementia of the Alzheimer
type (DAT). Recent research has shown that patients with DAT are more impa
ired (relative to non-demented controls) in generating exemplars from a par
ticular semantic category (e.g., animals) than words beginning with a parti
cular letter, exhibit an altered temporal dynamic during the production of
category exemplars, are impaired on confrontation naming tasks and make pre
dominantly superordinate or semantically related errors, consistently misid
entify the same objects across a variety of semantic tasks, and have altera
tions in multidimensional scaling models of their semantic network that are
indicative of a loss of concepts and associations. These results are consi
stent with the view that Alzheimer's disease results in a breakdown in the
organization and structure of semantic knowledge as neurodegeneration sprea
ds to the association cortices that presumably store semantic representatio