The objectives of this study were to determine: (1) how frequently pediatri
cians obtain a history of passive smoke exposure (PSE), (2) what type of ad
vice regarding PSE they offer and how frequently they offer it, and (3) wha
t methods and what assistance the). believe would be useful to reduce PSE,
A random sample of 1,000 US members (GEN) of the American Academy of Pediat
rics (AAP) and all 724 members of the AAP sections of pulmonology, otolaryn
gology, and allergy (SPECS) were sent a questionnaire. Seven hundred fifty-
five usable questionnaires were returned. Ninety-six percent of,321 general
pediatricians obtained a PSE history at least "sometimes" but were much mo
re likely to "always" do so when seeing a patient with asthma (87%) or recu
rrent otilis media (56%) than during well-child visits (41%) (p<0.0001). Ni
nety-eight percent of pulmonologists and 95% of allergists "always" obtaine
d a PSE. history from parents of their asthmatic patients as compared with
generalists who reported doing so 87% of the time (p=0.0004). Fifteen perce
nt of GEN gave specific assistance to parents with smoking cessation such a
s referral to an internist or family practitioner or a community agency or
initiating a smoking cessation program themselves, whereas 85% gave only no
nspecific advice such as, "don't smoke around the child," or "quit smoking.
" Reasons for not initialing a cessation program included lack: of skills (
38%) or Lime (36%) or a belief that it was "not their responsibility" (13%)
. Pediatricians indicated that brochures for parents that describe the haza
rds of PSE and contain specific information regarding how to refer to commu
nity smoking cessation programs would be of most use to them in helping par
ents reduce PSE to their children. Pediatricians frequently ask about PSE a
nd advise reducing it but seldom assist parents with specific advice regard
ing effective methods to quit smoking.