Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates from South Africa were evaluated for differ
ences in growth rate in vitro and levels of pathogenicity towards Eucalyptu
s smithii in the field. Inoculations were conducted in the field in summer
and winter in two subsequent years at two locations in South Africa using 5
9 P. cinnamomi isolates. The isolates differed significantly in growth rate
in vitro, as well as in levels of pathogenicity to E. smithii in the field
. Growth rate in vitro was significantly influenced by interactions with cu
lture age, geographic origin and genetic background as determined using iso
zymes. Levels of pathogenicity in the field were influenced by season of in
oculation and average minimum temperatures at trial sites. The host from wh
ich P. cinnamomi isolates were originally obtained did not significantly af
fect levels of pathogenicity in the field. Culture age had a significant ne
gative effect on growth rate in vitro and pathogenicity in the field. Signi
ficant differences in levels of pathogenicity could be found for different
multilocus isozyme genotypes. Geographic origin and mating type of P. cinna
momi isolates had no significant effect on levels of pathogenicity in the f
ield. A positive correlation was found between growth rate in vitro and lev
els of pathogenicity in the field. Levels of variation for pathogenicity wi
thin A1 mating type isolates were significantly lower than for A2 mating ty
pe isolates. Results of this study provide valuable information on selectio
n of P. cinnamomi isolates for future resistance/tolerance screening assays
of Eucalyptus germplasm in South Africa.