Steady inviscid fluid flows with constant vorticity and elliptical streamli
nes are known to be unstable. So too are axisymmetric flows with periodical
ly strained vorticity. But elliptical instability may be suppressed by cons
tant vortex stretching. Here we examine the stability of periodically strai
ned, unbounded, non-axisymmetric flows with spatially uniform vorticity. Be
cause of asymmetry, the analysis requires recently developed techniques. We
find that the flows are normally highly unstable, with sensitive dependenc
e on disturbance wavenumber orientation. Our results reveal a wealth of fin
e structure that is absent in axisymmetric cases, but which was recently fo
und for other non-axisymmetric periodic flows. However, when the frequency
of the imposed periodic motion is sufficiently large, instability is suppre
ssed, as the requisite internal resonances are impossible. We also briefly
examine the limiting case of continuous stretching. Though elliptical insta
bility is inhibited, other exponentially growing disturbances are present.
In fluctuating environments, elliptical instability is just one of many pos
sible types of parametric instability; and its inhibition by stretching is
likely to be overshadowed by other periodically driven instabilities. Such
unbounded-flow models may shed light on the local interaction between small
and large scales within turbulent flows. (C) 1999 The Japan Society of Flu
id Mechanics and Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.