Silver staining of mitotic metaphases of the aphid A. pisum reveals the pre
sence of argentophilic bridges connecting the two X chromosomes. The presen
ce of nucleolar material connecting sex chromosomes seems to be quite a com
mon phenomenon in organisms belonging to very different phyla, and suggests
a role of nucleolar proteins in chromosome association and disjunction. In
somatic cells of A. pisum, bridges connecting X chromosomes are detectable
not only after silver staining but also after CMA(3) staining. This findin
g suggests that GC rich DNA is involved in this type of association. Molecu
lar analysis of rDNA intergenic spacers shows several 247 bp repeats contai
ning short sequences having a high level of homology with the X sequence of
Escherichia coli and with the consensus core region of human hypervariable
minisatellites. Moreover, each 247 bp repeat presents a perfect, copy of a
promoter sequence for polymerase I. These aphid repeats show structural ho
mologies with a 240 bp repeat, which is considered to be responsible for se
x chromosome pairing in Drosophila, not only in view of their common presen
ce within rDNA spacers but also for their length and structure. The presenc
e of X sequences in the IGS of A. pisum, by promoting unequal crossing-over
between rDNA genes, could thus give rise to the nucleolar organizing regio
n (NOR) heteromorphism described in different aphid species. Although X pai
ring at NORs is fundamental in aphid male determination, the presence of he
teromorphism of rDNA genes does not inhibit male determination in the A. pi
sum clone utilized for our experiments.