We describe a space cold atom clock prototype and its operation on board an
aircraft. We have recorded the atomic resonance in zero gravity during par
abolic flights. This experiment must be considered as an essential step tow
ard the construction of a space clock using cold atoms. In a microgravity e
nvironment, a cold atomic clock would outperform all groundbased clocks. By
the year 2002, we plan to operate a cold atom clock on board the internati
onal spate station. This mission is called atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (
ACES), We hare also performed a preliminary accuracy evaluation of the prot
otype, The interrogation of the cold atoms is performed inside a TE013 cavi
ty. On earth, the phase, variations of the held induce a relative frequency
shift of about 1 x 10(-13). Although the frequency shift is expected to st
rongly decrease in microgravity, this cavity does not seem suitable for a 1
x 10(-16) frequency uncertainty.