A Second Series of Suggested Methods is being produced by the ISRM Commissi
on on Testing Methods from 1998 onwards. In this Second Series, for each SM
two versions are published:
1. A Draft SM written by the Working Group Co-ordinator(s);
2. A Final SM also produced by the Working Group Go-ordinator but with amen
dments resulting from the Draft SM review by the Working Group Members and
other comments received after publication of the Draft SM.
A suite of the new Suggested Methods is currently being published in this J
ournal. These started with an Indentation Hardness Index SM written by T. S
zwedzicki and published in June 1998. Several more will be published in 199
However, the following SM results from a Working Group of 14 members, is al
ready in the fifth draft stage and thus can be considered to be in its fina
l form.