It is widely accepted that schizophrenia originates from abnormalities occu
rring during the early stages of neural development. Although large studies
have revealed behavioral precursors of schizophrenia in childhood, the dis
order is usually not evident until patients are in their 20s or 30s. Some p
atients will be resistant to typical antipsychotic treatment at this first-
onset of schizophrenia; however, treatment resistance develops in the major
ity of patients during the course of successive episodes. This ongoing dete
rioration suggests that a degenerative process operates during the active p
sychotic phase of the illness. This review presents evidence of neurodevelo
pmental and neurodegenerative mechanisms for the development of schizophren
ia. These data indicate the importance of effective treatment at the first
onset of schizophrenia to improve patient outcome. In addition, animal stud
ies suggest that treatment with clozapine may prevent the neurodegenerative
component responsible for the development of treatment resistance.