Poliovirus (PV) is the etiological agent of human paralytic poliomyelitis.
Paralysis results from the destruction of motoneurons, a consequence of PV
replication. However, the PV-induced process leading to the death of motone
urons is not well known. We investigated whether PV-induced central nervous
system (CNS) injury is associated with apoptosis by using mice as animal m
odels. Transgenic mice expressing the human PV receptor were infected intra
cerebrally with either the neurovirulent PV-1 Mahoney strain or a paralytog
enic dose of the attenuated PV-1 Sabin strain, Nontransgenic mice were infe
cted with a mouse-adapted PV-1 Mahoney mutant. DNA fragmentation was demons
trated in CNS tissue from paralyzed mice by visualization of DNA oligonucle
osomal laddering and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Viral antigens a
nd DNA fragmentation detected by the in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyltrans
ferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling technique were colocalized in
neurons of spinal cords from paralyzed mice. In addition, morphological ch
anges characteristic of cells undergoing apoptosis were observed in motoneu
rons by electron microscopy. Thus, we show that PV multiplication and CNS i
njury during paralytic poliomyelitis are associated with apoptosis.