Oral mucositis is common, painful, dose-limiting toxicity of drug and radia
tion therapy for cancer. In granulocytopenic patients, the ulcerations whic
h accompany mucositis are frequent portals of entry for indigenous oral bac
teria often leading to bacteremias or sepsis. The complexity of mucositis a
s a biological process has only recently been appreciated. The condition ap
pears to represent a sequential interaction of the oral mucosal cells and t
issues, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and local environmental factors in the
mouth such as micro-organisms and saliva. The recognition that the pathophy
siology of mucositis is a multifactorial process has presented opportunitie
s for intervention based on biological attenuation. Interleukin-11, a pleot
ropic cytokine, has a range of activities which is potentially relevant to
mucositis. Consequently, it has been used successfully to modify the develo
pment, severity and course of mucositis in an animal model which closely mi
mics the equivalent human condition.