Lg. Ward et Fs. Birch, Sedimentology of the New Hampshire inner continental shelf based on subbottom seismics, side-scan sonar, bathymetry, and bottom samples, MAR GEORES, 17(2-3), 1999, pp. 165-172
Typical of glaciated environments, the inner continental shelf of New Hamps
hire is composed of bedrock outcrops, remnants of glacial deposits (for exa
mple, drumlins), sand and gravel deposits, as well as muddier sediments far
ther offshore. A number of previous studies have defined the general trends
of the New Hampshire inner shelf from the coarser deposits nearer the shor
e to the muddier outer basins. Most recently, a seismic survey (similar to
150 km of side-scan sonar and subbottom seismic profiles), as well as botto
m sediment sampling (similar to 74 stations), has provided a detailed botto
m map of the southern New Hampshire shelf area (landward of the 30-m contou
r). The surficial sediments within this area range from very fine sand to g
ravel. Bedrock outcrops are common. The seismic survey indicated several la
rge sand deposits exceeding 6-8 m in thickness that occur relatively close
to the coast. These sedimentary units, which are within 3 km of the shoreli
ne, are composed of fine to medium sands. Examination of the general morpho
logy and depositional setting indicates at least some of these features are
probably relic ebb tidal delta shoals. However a large eroding drumlin occ
urs between two of the sand bodies and may represent the source of these de
posits. Additional work is needed to verify the origin of these sediment bo